About Holy Sinners
Nascuts d'un interés eclèctic pel rock més primigeni on les dones prenien el poder i es convertien en autèntiques tigresses del rock'n'roll es va esbossar The Holy Sinners. Formats per Gem (Things) a la veu, Héctor (Kontra-Band, Uso Frecuente, Electric Fly Killers, Derrota) a la guitarra, Fer (Nekrópolis, Oblivion, Out o Tune, Limoncello, Kontra-Band) al baix i Marc (De Què Band, Bate's Motel, Hellbilly Club, Electric Fly Killers, Derrota) a la bateria. Al novembre del 2014 en Javi es converteix en el nou baixista (The Black Millers, Psicotrops, The Furremol Band). Actualment estan presentant el seu spicy i potent directe. // The band was born from an eclectic interest in original rock, where women take the power and become genuine rock'n'roll mastress. Formed by Gem (Things) on vocals, Héctor (Kontra-Band, Uso Frecuente, Electric Fly Killers, Derrota) on guitar, Fer (Nekrópolis, Oblivion, Out of Tune, Limoncello, Kontra -Band) on bass and Marc (De Què Band, Bate's Motel, Hellbilly Club, Electric Fly Killers, Derrota) on drums. In novembrer 2014 Javi, (The Black Millers, Psicotrops, The Furremol Band) became the new bassman.

They are currently presenting his first spicy and powerfull live.